Feargal's first stop was in Zurich,Switzerland to visit Finnbarr, they both moved on to Toronto where they left Maebh behind and were joined by Scarlett.
Feargal and Scarlett traveled on to visit Donnacha in Silver City, New Mexico, also going for a stay in Tucson, Arizona and are now back in New Mexico. That's Ok with me, he can stay as long as he is needed.
Postie recently brought a parcel of Feargal's 'stuff' from his time with Finnbarr PLUS some other lovely goodies obtained for me....unobtainable in my neck of the woods.
You already saw the Myra Piper book in my last post.
Here we have .....Feargal's Swiss suitcase, and his cowbell.
Gorgeous new Teal colour SewMate all time favourite shuttles, lots of floss threaders for loading beads onto my why don't we have them here???
Wonderful samples of Turkish metallic threads, Altin Basak Nakis Simi....I am using them in my current project! and they work really well.
Isn't the shamrock that Finnbarr's mom tatted pretty?
Tadgh wanted to show off Feargal's stuff.
He thinks that the suitcase is perfect for sitting on at the airport waiting to check in.
He reckons that if a chap didn't mind getting his hat squished...he could travel in it....and not need a seat!
Tadgh was horrified when I asked him to sit on a pile of moose droppings, a bit slippery but taste delicious was his verdict.
Tadgh is enjoying Feargal's time away!!