Little did I know that out there in tatland there are people who want a leprechaun so much that that they will go to any length to get one!!
Even to TAT one!!

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?? He is complete in every detail from his pointy shoes to his belt and his lucky shamrocks. He even has a sparkly stone on his neckerchief..well it looks sparkly to me. His face is sooh, soooh good.
Fergal is absolutely gobsmacked at his new cousin's appearance. He keeps asking me if she had my pattern, if she had met one and so on and the answer to all these questions is NO, she has only seen them on her computer screen.
Oh! I haven't told you who she is, have I!!!
She is of course Carol Amich otherwise known as Battatter, if you have seen her other creations you probably could have guessed. She is a other word for her.
Here were we....Fergal and I...having no idea that she even liked them let alone wanted one. Fergal has deemed him to be an honorary Irish Leprechaun even tho' he wasn't born in Ireland...and says that he is putting her on his list for a Real Irish one ...for whenever I get my finger out and make some more!! He also says that he would love a tatted leprechaun to come and live with us!! me too! I wonder if she is going to share the pattern...oh the mind boggles at a world full of tatted leprechauns up to mischief.
Now let me show you what she wrote
"Where to start. Well, I had seen these little leprechauns that were being sent to lucky tatters. They were made by Pamela, and were just so cute! They would just show up out of the blue, and get into all kinds of mischief in their new homes. I wanted one very badly, and so, I tatted myself one. (though the real ones aren't tatted). Though, I only had a few pictures as references, and I don't know what kind of coin the others are holding I tried to make them look like their cousins. I named him Conor, as that means "lover of hounds" and if you know anything about me, you know I love my dog! Conor is getting along great here, first thing he did was make friends with my tatted dragons. Here he is riding my big dragon (pattern by Sherry Townsend), as my little 3d dragon, PD, watches. I hope Pamela doesn't get mad that I copied my tatted one to look like hers, but I thought hers were so cute, and wanted Conor to fit in with his cousins.
Here is a photo of Conor consoling Rebel. He went to the vet today, and got shots and bloodwork (yearly thing) and look at the bruise on his arm! Ouch."

I can tell you we are so flattered, in our book copying really is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you Carol, you made our day.
Conor is adorable, Carol! Your imagination and ingenuity are really to be commended and coveted. I hope you will write up a pattern and share it. The world needs more Leprechauns! Poor Rebel. I hope Conor was able to make him feel better. They should get along famously.
ReplyDeleteCarol, I am so amazed with your 3d tatting. Conor is amazing!! My William says hello and glad he has joined us.