Friday, April 9, 2010

Feargal's 2nd stop....Toronto!

April 3rd 2010
Feargal and Finnbarr landed safely in Toronto on tuesday.

They spent International Tatting day in Canada.....this is what happened.....

mmmm! in the company of a lot of Swiss bunnies...they seem to have pigged out on chocolate......pretending they did some tatting!!!

This is what Nollaig did on International Tatting Day....
absolutely nothing........Tadgh says that he has to do everything now that Feargal has gone.

Meanwhile in Indiana...a miracle has happened.
Conor and Ruari (Rory) have found a baby leprechaun hiding in some Easter decorations.

Be sure to pop over to Battatter's blog to read ALL about it.
We are all waiting for more news from Toronto with baited breath!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, that lazy Nollaig! Conor told me to tell you to scold him! heeehee!

    (whoops last comment was accidently removed by me)

  3. I think he is just getting plenty of rest...before he becomes a dad!!!
